On Friday May 15, NBC aired the season 7 finale of “The Blacklist” in an unprecedented move regarding production – the scenes from this final episode were made in animation format, turning the finale into a hybrid episode.
For the 2020 edition, the Annecy International Animated Film Festival will offer unprecedented access to its content through its online version, which is going to be celebrated from June 15 to 30.
The European Union is urging Netflix and other streaming platforms to stop showing video in high definition to prevent the internet from breaking under the strain of unprecedented usage due to the coronavirus pandemic.
According to the company, the Global Football Package will enable a brand to centralise its fan-targeted, football sponsorship through one point of purchase and unlock unprecedented global scale.
A hit in Brazil, the show is a modern fairytale that conquered the audience with its exciting, light, funny and unpretentious story, and it is from the same creators of “Total Dreamer”.