The independent sales and VOD aggregator has added six feature films to its library that will be released on major streaming and cable platforms across the US and Canada, followed by DVD at on-line retailers.
IPTV will add 63 million subscribers between 2021 and 2026 to total 398 million, while cable, on the other hand, will see subscriber numbers fall from 417 million in 2021 to 389 million in 2026, according to Digital TV Research.
Offering a wide variety of factual programming titles in hopes of securing a maximum number of sales, the company will present projects originally commissioned by PSBs, cable networks, and streamers in the UK, North America, and New Zealand.
The three platforms, Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu, continue marking large contributions to the greater majority of American’ households. Individuals who opt to suspend their cable services spend an average of spent $117 per month on pay-TV services and are now paying $85 per month for OTT services.
The company, owned by Liberty Latin America, bought América Móvil's operations in Panama for USD 200 million. Following regulatory approvals, the deal is expected to be completed during the first half of 2022.