The show will be produced by Whisper North and hosted by Mel Giedroyc. The format deal was brokered by Laura Burrell, Vice President, International Formats, Paramount Global Content Distribution.
The title is produced by ZANDLAND for Channel 4, UK. In the documentary, journalist Isobel Yeung delves into the hidden world of Mattel, the global toy giant valued at over 6 billion pounds.
The exec will take to the stage at 11:15 am on Sunday 20 October for the 2024 MIPJUNIOR programme ‘Expand Your Playground’ which draws on the Kids industry’s enduring ability to innovate and transform,
The Barbie and Friends, Hot Wheels Action, and Mattel Jr. channels are set to go live later this year and will be free to access from Samsung Smart TVs, Galaxy Devices and on the Web at
Mattel announced that Michelle Mendelovitz has been named Head of Mattel Television Studios. She will oversee the development, production, and distribution of Mattel’s slate of episodic content on broadcast and streaming globally.