22 JUL 2020


Live and bilingual, it includes a variety of fun activities for kids on Thursdays and Fridays in July and August, including concerts, read-aloud sessions and workshops.

22 JUL 2020

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HITN Learning announced the “Summer Fun en Casa Series!” with a variety of fun activities for kids Thursday’s and Friday’s in July and August, including concerts, read aloud sessions and workshops for kids. During this month, is presenting the Latin Grammy nominee Sonia De Los Santos who has toured the world performing for families in English and Spanish.

“I’m sure that for millions of households where bilingual culture is a priority, this summer Fun en Casa Series! program will offer excellent entertainment to children during this difficult time where outdoors summer activities are limited amid the pandemic,” remarked David Rust, General Manager of HITN Learning. “Their educational and interactive approach to bilingualism is especially attractive for Hispanic families interested in seeing their children grow up to be perfectly bilingual and maintain traditional cultural values in ways that will enrich them as adults.”

Sonia De Los Santos said, “I have admired HITN Learning’s commitment to provide educational content to the Hispanic Latino community for years, and I’m thrilled to play these concerts from home for families to enjoy!” After each concert with Latin Grammy nominee Sonia De Los Santos, HITN Learning will offer participant families a chance to win a Cleo + Cuquin Family Fun! math kit for preschool children.

The educational division of HITN is also pleased to offer free 30 minute ‘Read Aloud with Children’s Authors’ events. First is a reading of Behind My Mask (Spanish: Detrás de mi cubrebocas) with authors Martha Samaniego Calderón, and Daniel Heiman. This timely read will help children explore their feelings and emotions about wearing a mask during the pandemic. After the reading, the authors will discuss their inspiration for writing this book and their experiences raising a bilingual family.

Martha Samaniego Calderón, and Daniel Heiman said, “We created this bilingual book about identity and emotions because they are intimately connected to our learning processes. It was specifically conceptualized to serve bicultural students and families. The unfinished nature of the book invites you, your families and communities to add your own voice and testimonials, which we feel is essential during these complex but equally hopeful times.”

The second event on Thursday, July 23rd at 3:00 p.m. EST. is with the award-winning children’s book author Raquel Ortiz. HITN Learning is inviting kids to join her as she performs a fun, interactive reading of her book, “Sofi and the Magical Musical Mural”. After the read aloud, join the author for a bilingual discussion about keeping your children engaged while reading together.

Raquel Ortiz said, “Promoting family literacy is instrumental in educating and empowering our communities. Through books and music that represent our people we celebrate our culture, share our history, and cultivate future generations of storytellers. And, we make reading fun, dynamic and accessible.”

The ‘Read Aloud with Children’s Authors’ events will also include Anika Denise, who has written many children’s books that celebrate her bicultural Puerto Rican-Italian heritage. At this event she will be reading her award-winning picture book, “Planting Stories: The Life of Librarian and Storyteller Pura Belpré” Thursday, July 30th at 3:00 p.m. EST. Pura Belpré, is an immigrant who became the first children’s librarian from Puerto Rico.

HITN Learning’s “Summer Fun en Casa Series!” is also offering a free introductory small group coding workshop for children ages 9-12 in August. Children will learn how to code simple animations, tools and games using block coding. All those interested on the workshop need to register on-line first.