6 MAY 2021


The show, produced by Birsel Çıkıncı & Mehmet Yiğit Alp from NTC Medya and directed by Deniz Koloş, will be added to Kanal D's drama catalog and make a prompt debut on the network.

6 MAY 2021

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Kanal D International has added a new romantic comedy to its Drama catalog, “Recipe of Love” (Aşkın Tarifi). Produced by Birsel Çıkıncı & Mehmet Yiğit Alp from NTC Medya and directed by Deniz Koloş "Recipe of Love" will soon make its debut on the network. The film stars  Kadir Doğulu, Serra Arıtürk, Cem Davran, Alper Saldıran, and Yasemin Baştan.  

It follows Chef Fırat who can create the great Oriental & Western cooking mixtures but struggles with finding love. The chef of a humble kebab restaurant Fırat’s, played by Kadir Doğulu, undergoes drastic life changes following a coaching with Doctor Love on TV. 

The decision leads him to a French restaurant as a chef, where he falls in love again with the owner of the restaurant, Naz Soyluer played by Serra Arıtürk. The film will tell if he is able to find his way to love.