CBC's original series, "Fridge Wars" has secured multiple sales across Europe and North America, garnering international success.“We’re thrilled to have partnered with Magnify Media to further the reach of this exciting and high-impact competition format,” said Gwen Jones McCauley, Director, Global Distribution, CBC. “It will be exciting to see how the show continues to be adapted with different celebrity chefs and hosts at the helm.”
The culinary format, co-produced and co-created by CBC and The Gurin Company Inc,first premiered on CBC in Winter 2020 with the CW Network acquiring it for a US debut just a few months later. Since then, Aito Media in Finland, WeMake in France, and Rockstar in Poland have all acquired the format rights, as well as Germany's Endemol Shine. The series is currently being represented outside of North America by Magnify Media out of the UK.
"Fridge Wars" was also selected as a finalist in this year’s International Format Awards. "Buyers are loving this format," said Andrea Jackson, CEO, Magnify Media. "It's completely universal. We have all found ourselves opening our fridges at the end of the day and wondering what on earth to cook from the random items we find there!"
The unscripted series pits world-renowned chefs against each other to create top-notch meals that have to please the discerning taste buds of the average family, using only the ingredients found in their fridges. The chef's goal is to win the title of Fridge Wars Champion. “It’s a fun and fresh approach to light-hearted food competition. With an enormous takeaway. With a unique format where the families themselves judge what the chefs have made with their leftovers, we think this show has universal appeal for anyone who eats,” said Phil Gurin, President & CEO, The Gurin Company.