Univision will soon debut its new series “La Herencia” (The Inheritance), set to debut on 11th July. The title, translated in English as "La Herencia," stars Michelle Renaud and Matías Novoa. It tells the story of when Don Severiano passes away due to a terrible accident, and shows as the lives of these brothers are turned upside down when they meet the sister they did not know existed. Sara Del Monte (Michelle Renaud) is the only blood daughter of Don Severiano and has felt neglected by her father her entire life. This caused Sara’s mother, Déborah Portillo (Elizabeth Álvarez), to push her to go to the reading of the will and fight for her inheritance.
Produced by Juan Osorio, the story begins at “Santa Catalina,” the avocado farm where Don Severiano Del Monte (Leonardo Daniel) and his wife, Catalina Arango (Anna Ciocchetti) live with their five adopted sons: Juan (Matías Novia), Pedro (Daniel Elbittar), Mateo (Mauricio Henao), Simon (Emmanuel Palomares) and Lucas (Juan Pablo Gil).
The last thing these six siblings expected were there to be conditions in order to receive the inheritance they thought was automatically theirs. The inheritance will come to unearth the past and confront Sara with the Del Monte brothers, who will defend the land that formed them as good people, awakening in them feelings and actions that they never imagined experiencing.