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Deprecated: strlen(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in /home/senalnews/public_html/objetos/clsListadoNotas.php on line 746 Noticias de c21 en Señal News
The organizers open the game with two $15,000 marketing prizes to connect CEE projects with global partners. The deadline for entries is April 17 (midnight GMT), 2025.
Tras el éxito de la edición 2025, que cerró con 2 mil 278 delegados, más de 1 mil compradores registrados y 175 empresas exhibidoras, el año siguiente el mercado regresará a Miami del 20 al 22 de enero.
The event also opens earlybird registration. The CEE Screenings will remain a cornerstone of the event, with major studios and programme distributors expected to showcase new programming slates at the event.
C21Media has announced that Content Americas will return to the Hilton Miami Downtown from January 20-23, 2025, with significant enhancements planned for the three-day event to improve flow and super-serve the delegate experience.
C21 Media ha anunciado que Content Americas regresará al Hilton Miami Downtown del 20 al 23 de enero de 2025, con importantes iniciativas planificadas para mejorar el flujo del evento y brindar una experiencia fortalecida a los asistentes.