Últimas noticias sobre cmpa

Productores internacionales exigen regular el mercado de streaming 30 ENE 2024


Productores internacionales exigen regular el mercado de streaming

La declaración fue rubricada por AECINE, Animation in Europe, AnimFrance, APA, APCA, APFC, APIT, AQPM, CEPI, CIMA, CMPA, Doc/it, EPC, FIPCA, FPS, IBAIA, MAPA, PATE, PIAF, PROA, PROFILM, Produzentenverband, SPA, SPADA, SPI, UPFF+, y USPA.
Canada’s independent producers reject CRTC’s CBC decision 9 AGO 2022


Canada’s independent producers reject CRTC’s CBC decision

The Canadian Media Producers Association (CMPA) submitted a petition to the Minister of Canadian Heritage, asking him to set aside, or refer back, the CRTC’s Licence Renewal decision for the CBC, released in June.