Últimas noticias sobre natpe-global

Natpe Global confirma 200 compradores de 23 países para su edición 2025 1 AGO 2024

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Natpe Global confirma 200 compradores de 23 países para su edición 2025

Además, se conformó una nueva junta de asesores con destacados ejecutivos que representan todos los géneros y una amplia gama de disciplinas en el negocio internacional.
200 buyers from 23 countries confirmed for Natpe Global 2025 31 JUL 2024

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200 buyers from 23 countries confirmed for Natpe Global 2025

New advisory board of executives unveiled. NATPE Global takes place February 5-7, 2025, crossing over the final day of Realscreen Summit, which runs February 3-5. Both events will take place at the InterContinental Miami.
Realscreen Summit se muda a Miami y se une a NATPE Global en 2025 5 MAR 2024

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Realscreen Summit se muda a Miami y se une a NATPE Global en 2025

Claire Macdonald, Executive Director de NATPE, liderará la iniciativa de ventas como SVP Revenue NATPE & Realscreen. Mary Maddever, EVP de Realscreen, asumirá el cargo de Directora Ejecutiva de Contenido, supervisando los equipos de contenido para ambas ocasiones.
Realscreen Summit moves to Miami and will happen together with NATPE Global in 2025 5 MAR 2024

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Realscreen Summit moves to Miami and will happen together with NATPE Global in 2025

Claire Macdonald, NATPE Executive Director, will spearhead the sales initiative as SVP Revenue NATPE & Realscreen. Mary Maddever, Realscreen EVP, will assume the role of Executive Content Director, overseeing the content teams for both occasions.
NATPE Global wraps up its 2024 event with more than 700 buyers 19 ENE 2024

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NATPE Global wraps up its 2024 event with more than 700 buyers

NATPE Global successfully concluded its return to Miami this year with more than 1,500 registered delegates and more than 700 top-tier buyers. The event was celebrated from January 16 to 18 at the InterContinental Hotel.