"The Black Diamond Race" is an animated series of nine episodes, each 45 minutes long, co-produced by Rai Kids, RTVE, Broadvision Perspective, and Motion Pictures. The creators discuss this daring new project.
Recognized director John Musker, Oscar and Emmy nominated documentary director Leslie Iwerks, Spanish comic book author Juanio Guarnido, and cartoonist Sara Pichelli will be present in Pescara.
Se trata de una comedia de aventuras en 3D para el público preescolar producida por Movimenti Production y MoBo, y co-producida por Zodiak Kids & Family France. Serán dos temporadas que totalizan 52 episodios de 7 minutos.
This show is a 3D preschool comedy-adventure produced by Movimenti Production and MoBo and co-produced by Zodiak Kids & Family France. It has been commissioned for two seasons, totaling 52 x 7’ episodes.
The Head of Rai Kids sets the acquisition and production strategy for the leading Italian player for kid's content while remarking on the brand's values, locally and internationally.