The deal consists of 429 episodes across 11 different series and four movies, including 14 seasons of Canada’s longest running one-hour scripted drama “Heartland,” Gordon Ramsay’s award-winning “Hell’s Kitchen,” and the comedy-drama superhero series “The Greatest American Hero."
Following the breakout success of season one, Fremantle partnered with Reel World Management, Bell Media’s CTV, and The CW for the second season of the drama series.
The title's debut in the US follows other successful airings throughout the year in the UK, Japan, Italy, France, Spain, Scandinavia, and Central Europe, among others.
La ceremonia de premiación posicionó a Univision como la cadena de televisión número 1 y número 2 de toda la grilla durante toda la noche, superando a ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, The CW, y Telemundo.
Set to report to NBCU alum Heather Olander, the executive will develop and lead production on alternative reality, events and specials in her new role as VP of unscripted.