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Annecy MIFA 2024: French companies committed to finance animated and kids productions 12 JUN 2024


Annecy MIFA 2024: French companies committed to finance animated and kids productions

SACD, SCAM, AnimFrance, SATEV, SPECT, SPI, USPA and SEDPA reached an agreement with TF1 group on its commitment to finance animated works, and the TFX channel’s commitment to broadcast kid’s programmes and cartoons.
Productores internacionales exigen regular el mercado de streaming 30 ENE 2024


Productores internacionales exigen regular el mercado de streaming

La declaración fue rubricada por AECINE, Animation in Europe, AnimFrance, APA, APCA, APFC, APIT, AQPM, CEPI, CIMA, CMPA, Doc/it, EPC, FIPCA, FPS, IBAIA, MAPA, PATE, PIAF, PROA, PROFILM, Produzentenverband, SPA, SPADA, SPI, UPFF+, y USPA.