Cartoon Network Studios recently announced plans to develop development its latest animated family musical, "Battu.""Chaz is one of the most exciting young voices in animation and we are thrilled to be working with Sam Register, Nicole Rivera, and the rest of the Cartoon Network Studios team to develop 'Battu,’” Matthew A. Cherry said.
“Battu” will be produced by Cartoon Network Studios, with Sam Register, Matthew A. Cherry, Chaz Bottoms, and Monica A. Young serving as executive producers. Bottoms is represented by Monica A. Young at Blue Key Management, Ava Greenfield of ICM Partners, and Attorney Gregg Gellman of Morris Yorn. “This ambitious project brings together and celebrates two of our greatest storytelling mediums—animation and music,” Sam Register, President, Warner Bros. Animation and Cartoon Network Studios said. “Matthew and Chaz are our perfect dance partners as ouwe strive to tell authentic stories that both empower and entertain.”
“Battu” showcases two gifted teenage dancers, Otis and Jada, residing in Chicago searching the pathway to mainstream dance. Together they find a home at a struggling hip studio and a family among the studio’s troupe of dancers and instructors.
The series will feature original music and teach kids lessons related to inclusiveness, perseverance, and the power of friendship. The project is based on Bottoms’ animated short film "Battu: An Animated Musical," currently in production. “I grew up on a healthy diet of Cartoon Network shows and to be working with them on ‘Battu’ is a dream come true,” Bottoms said. ”This project is my love letter to the city of Chicago, animation, and musicals.”
Chaz is one of the most exciting young voices in animation and we are thrilled to be working with Sam Register, Nicole Rivera, and the rest of the Cartoon Network Studios team to develop 'Battu'.” Matthew A. Cherry Filmmaker, "Battu"