Turkish distribution company ATV confirmed that the Turkish drama "For My Family," a series created by Gül Abus Semerci and produced by the Turkish company NG Media, will debut on the Portuguese channel SIC on February 17th.
The show centers around the four siblings who lost both of their parents on the same day. Despite poverty and homelessness, they always stick together and stand by their side with every heartbreaking truth and situation. The title confirms its positive performance in the Turkish television market with its fourth season.
Muge Akar, ATV Distribution's Head of Global Sales, commented that ATV has entered Portugal with For My Family and stated: "There is no doubt that 'For My Family' will achieve great success in Portugal. The series has a compelling storyline that revolves around family bonds, the challenges of love, and friendship relations. Just as it captured the hearts of audiences in many countries, 'For My Family' is going to impress Portuguese viewers," highlighted.
The company celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2023 and operates in television and radio broadcasting, newspaper and magazine publication, and printing. ATV's distribution unit offers a wide range of choices and diversity, providing over 40,000 hours of TV series, shows, and movies.