Banijay Kids & Family unveiled its new animation, "Super Happy Magic Forest." The title is produced by Banijay Kids & Family companies, Tiger Aspect Kids & Family with Movimenti Production. “We all love the 'Super Happy Magic Forest 'books and I'm thrilled to start this production alongside 'Tiger Aspect Kids & Family,'" Giorgio Scorza, CEO, Movimenti Production said. "I really can’t wait to bring all the fun of these adventures to their audience.”
A broadcast collaboration with BBC and Rai Kids, the series is based on the popular picture books of the same name by Matty Long. A pre-sale has also been secured with Canal+. Under the leadership of MD Tom Beattie, Tiger Aspect Kids & Family creates content aimed at all ages. Spanning live-action series and animated shows, popular titles made by the company include "Aliens Love Underpants," "Charlie and Lola," "Mr Bean: The Animated Series," "Danny & Mick, Tinga Tinga Tales" and the recently launched, animated YouTube Original "Corpse Talk."“'Super Happy Magic Forest' is going to bring fun and fantasy. We look forward to welcoming this new co-production with BBC, Movimenti Production and Tiger Aspect Kids & Family on Rai Yoyo TV," Luca Milano, MD, Rai Kids said.
Italy’s leading independent production and animation studio, Movimenti Production, has produced acclaimed animated TV series, music videos, live-shows and multi-platform projects for local and global audiences. With more than 40 productions to its name, recent successes include the internationally popular 2D animated adventure/comedy Topo Gigio, Le Loup with Rai Kids and the first Italian YA animated series, Zerocalcare’s Tear Along the Dotted Line for Netflix. The company is run by joint CEOs and Creative Directors, Giorgio Scorza and Davide Rosio, who also founded 2D studio DogHead Animation which handle the animation of all Movimenti Production’s shows, and co-founded 3D productionand international co-producer MoBo.
First published by Oxford University Press in 2015, Super Happy Magic Forest is a comedy quest adventure series featuring five heroes, brought together by their mutual love of questing, picnics and frolicking. Led by the outgoing and courageous faun, Hoofius; Blossom (unicorn), Herbert (gnome), Twinkle (fairy) and Trevor (mushroom) battle villains, share journeys, and have a jolly good time along the way as they learn how to be true heroes and how to quest sensibly. “I have been on my own long quest to bring this project to screen and I’m Super Happy that we can now frolic into the magic forest and bring Matty’s beautiful, funny world to life," Tom Beattie, MD, Tiger Aspect Kids and Family said. “Tiger Aspect Kids &Family and Movimenti Production are a powerful duo of producers and a brilliant example of the combined creative talents within our team. We are very proud that the BBC and Rai Kids have chosen Super Happy Magic Forest as a bridge between the international kids content community.”
The 52 11-minute series will showcase the world described in the books in the form of a 2D animation for more than years. Tiger Aspect Kids & Family’s MD Tom Beattie and Jeff's Swampy's Marsh will serve as executive producers. “I am beyond excited that the five heroes of the 'Super Happy Magic Forest' books are making the journey from page to screen," Matty Long, author and illustrator of the book series said. "What started as me doodling in a sketchbook will become a whole series of animated adventures and I cannot wait to share them with everyone.”
Tiger Aspect Kids & Family. I really can’t wait to bring all the fun of these adventures to their audience.” Giorgio Scorza CEO, Movimenti Production