Free to air channel TV Sucesso is including a slot of three hours a day in its programming that presents three successful Turkish series, recently acquired from the distributor Calinos Entertainment.

23 JUL 2020

“The Girl Named Feriha”

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For the first time in Mozambique, a free television channel is presenting Turkish content to its audience. TV Sucesso is including a slot of three hours a day in its programming that presents three successful Turkish series, recently acquired from the distributor Calinos Entertainment.

In detail, TV Sucesso closed a deal with Calinos for 629 hours of programming, which includes the following titles: “The Girl Named Feriha,” “A Love Story,” “Untold Truths,” and the first two seasons of “That’s My Life” and “In Love Again”.

“I am positive our product will support TV Successo to keep being a leader channel on the telenovela time slots. That is what makes the client to invest in acquiring Turkish content,”  commented Duda Rodrigues, Sales Manager for Latin America at Calinos.

Gabriel Jr., CEO of TV Sucesso, added that “the announcement on social networks of the premiere of these soap operas has been the most commented post in the country's television history”. The channel has also intensively prepared the debut of the new "Turkish Time Slot" with special segments in its regular programming and through the Internet, with the realization of several Facebook Lives.