Channel 4 has commissioned a new four-part series from Spun Gold TV.“This series will bring us all some much-desired sunshine, glamour and offer a glimpse into a lifestyle many of us just dream about. We welcome the fact that this brilliant Spun Gold series is being made by some of the most talented Black producers in the industry," Becky Cadman, Commissioning Editor at Channel 4 said.
"Billionaires’ Paradise: Inside the Caribbean" is produced by Spun Gold TV for Channel 4, with Zuelika Brown serving as series producer alongside Spun Gold's Anna Edwinson and Daniela Neumann, who served as executive producers. With Becky Cadman tasked with the sale execution, the series is being distributed by All3Media International.
The four-part project takes viewers through locations amongst the Caribbean's 7,000 islands that form one of the UK’s top dream holiday destinations. The series opens up a window on their enviable lifestyles – from the world’s most luxurious hotels to the most expensive beachside properties, on private islands fit for royalty.
“'Billionaires’ Paradise: Inside the Caribbean' (w/t) will be a hugely enjoyable, escapist series for everyone yearning for a holiday of a lifetime," Daniela Neumann, Managing Director of Spun Gold TV said. "And more importantly, we’re thrilled it is being produced by a very talented crew made up of people of colour. Increasing diversity and inclusion at Spun Gold is incredibly important to us, and I’m really pleased that working alongside Channel 4, we are providing more opportunities in the industry through this series and in the longer term.”
This series will bring us all some much-desired sunshine, glamour and offer a glimpse into a lifestyle many of us just dream about. We welcome the fact that this brilliant Spun Gold series is being made by some of the most talented Black producers in the industry.” Becky Cadman Commissioning Editor, Channel 4