Former Youngest Media Founder David Flynn has confirmed plans to launch a new studio, Plegazoid. In addition, the executive has entered into an exclusive joint venture agreement to develop and produce non scripted formats together.“We’re on the hunt for Plegazoids, those counter intuitive ideas that nobody else has thought of," Flynn said. "Andy and Mel and the South Shore team share my desire to launch these shows and their creativity and independent spirit make them the perfect partner to join forces with.”
The focus of Plegazoid will be to create innovative content with global appeal. The new venture will be led by Flynn, who is known as the serial creator and producer of hits such as "Million Pound Drop," "Game of Clones," "Moneybags" and "Small Fortune" amongst many others, has been working with "South Shore" for several months and they have two projects at pilot stage with UK broadcasters.
"David is one of the smartest people in the industry. He’s got an incredible track record and his talent, personality and ambition make him the perfect fit to partner with South Shore," Andrew MacKenzie, CEO of South Shore said. "We couldn’t be happier to be launching this joint venture with him.”
South Shore is the producer of recent Channel 4 hit, "Don’t Look Down." The company counts with the support of ITV Studios, which will also work alongside Plegazoid to develop its ideas for global audiences via its creative network, as well as handling international distribution for the joint venture.