The film, directed by Colombian filmmaker Harold Trompetero, will debut in North America this September. The deal is intended to give Filmrise a larger theatrical, digital, and broadcasting presence in the regions.

29 JUN 2021

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FilmRise has announced the acquisition of “Dark Blood”. The film, starring Tony and Emmy award-winning, John Leguizamo, will debut in North America this September, in time for National Hispanic Heritage Month.

The New York-based film and television studio and streaming network’s President and CEO Danny Fisher announced the deal, intended to give the company theatrical, digital, and broadcast rights in North and South America. It was negotiated by Katie Carroll, Manager, Independent Film Acquisition at FilmRise, and Priscilla Ross Smith, CEO of The Coven.

“Dark Blood” is directed by Colombian filmmaker Harold Trompetero and follows a father imprisoned after committing a brutal
crime avenging the death of his son. "John Leguizamo’s performance in Dark Blood is a tour de force. The power, fear, and compassion that Trompetero evokes through Leguizamo’s performance is a testament to his impressive directing skills,” Fisher said. “‘Dark Blood’ is an exceptional addition to FilmRise’s growing Spanish-language film collection.”

The story shows Misael imprisoned, waiting to be sentenced for a revenge crime against the man who killed his child. During his confinement, he must adapt to a new life of abuse, including injury and humiliation by guards and other prisoners. While in prison, Misael’s former life starts to become a distant memory as he is abandoned by his loved ones.


John Leguizamo’s performance in 'Dark Blood' is a tour de force. The power, fear, and compassion that Trompetero evokes through Leguizamo’s performance is a testament to his impressive directing skills. ‘Dark Blood’ is an exceptional addition to FilmRise’s growing Spanish-language film collection.” Danny Fisher President and CEO, Filmrise