The show is set to become available on the channel in June of this year. The co-production stemmed from a 2-year partnership between Genius Brands and Tankee. Other content includes the gaming-themed "Roblox-themed Big B Statz Roblox Challenges" and "Sally Plays Roblox."

18 MAR 2021

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Genius Brands has signed a partnership with Tankee Inc. to develop a new "Roblox" series to be aired exclusively on Kartoon Channel!. “At Kartoon Channel! we pride ourselves on delivering the latest and most innovative content to our viewers,” said Jon Ollwerther, General Manager of Kartoon Channel! at Genius Brands.

Genius Brands and Tankee Inc. first partnered in 2019 to bring a roster of Tankee Originals to Kartoon Channel!. Since then, the slate of gaming content has expanded to include the "Roblox-themed Big B Statz Roblox Challenges" and "Sally Plays Roblox." Building upon the popularity of the existing shows, and the phenomenon of Roblox itself, Genius Brands and Tankee will produce an all-new 12 episode Roblox series featuring top Roblox influencers

The new show will be available to viewers on Kartoon Channel! beginning in June of this year. “Roblox has become a phenomenon that has captured the attention of children across the globe, and we are thrilled to be working with Tankee to develop and share new episodes in order to meet the growing demand from viewers,” Ollwerther said.

The partnership between the two producers has flourished over the last two years and "Roblox" serves as their first-ever co-production.“Tankee’s dedication to becoming the top producer of kid safe gaming content came from connecting with my son through gaming and a desire to celebrate gaming content with kids around the world,"Tankee Founder Gerald Youngblood said. "We weren’t alone and have seen that many kids and families have a huge appetite for Roblox and other family-friendly gaming content.”

Roblox has become a phenomenon that has captured the attention of children across the globe, and we are thrilled to be working with Tankee to develop and share new episodes in order to meet the growing demand from viewers.” Jon Ollwerther General Manager, Kartoon Channel!, Genius Brands.