Imira Entertainment announced the launch of the brand new animated preschool series "Zoonicorn." The 3D CGI series debuts with 52 original seven-minute episodes. “It has been an unbelievable experience to watch our Zoonicorn characters and stories develop and grow over this last year,” said Mark Lubratt, "creator of Zoonicorn."
"Zoonicorn" products have continued been dispursed worldwide since its 2015 launch in the US. The TV series, which, aimed at 2 to 6-year-olds, follows the release of interactive plush and music videos. Brand development and licensing for the property is headed by J' net Smith of All Art Licensing.
The eleven "Zoonicorn" music videos have been a hit on YouTube with 2.7 million 2 plus views and Sing-Along videos offered exclusively on Kidoodle TV and other streaming platforms like Happy Kids TV, Kabillion, and Toon Goggles Jr. Zoonicorn also feature a limited-edition apparel line. “Our goal from the beginning has been to create a world that will entertain and engage all young children, no matter where they are from,” Lubratt said. “Now it’s happening and we are incredibly excited to know that viewers from across the globe will be discovering and enjoying these fun, enchanting, and inspiring personalities.”
The "Zoonicorns" lead unique animals known as Odessa the Ostrich, the otter Pancake, and sister Maple through a dreamland, teaching the important life lessons, including how to handle strong emotions. The show exemplifies suggested problem-sovling skills. One the animals wake up from their dream, they feel motivated to chase their dreams.
The show's characters include Purple Promi, who is patient and organized, Green Ene, keen to technology, and Pink Aliel, who has a bubbbly spark of energy, among others. The characters have wonderful joy and energy. It’s an imaginative and creative take on exploring optimism and resilience. We can’t wait for kids to have the opportunity to meet our 'Zoonicorns' and we certainly look forward to adding it to our slate of titles for our viewers and partners from around the world,” said Gulshan David, Director – Sales, Imira Entertainment.
Our goal from the beginning has been to create a world that will entertain and engage all young children, no matter where they are from. Now it’s happening and we are incredibly excited to know that viewers from across the globe will be discovering and enjoying these fun, enchanting, and inspiring personalities.” Mark Lubratt Creator, "Zoonicorn"