Kanal D International announced the romantic comedy “Love Trap” has officially landed on Mega Chile, bringing a perfect blend of humor, drama, and romance to viewers. Premiering on January 13, the series will offer a “heartwarming and entertaining experience filled with unexpected twists and unforgettable moments.”
The series follows Kerem, a charismatic yet irresponsible heir to a textile empire, who struggles to meet his father’s high expectations. Meanwhile, Ayşe, a hardworking young woman seeking to escape her stagnant life, makes a bold move by falsely claiming Kerem as her lover to force him into marriage.
Cornered by this unexpected turn, Kerem seizes the opportunity to challenge his father’s authority, turning their charade into a high-stakes gamble. As their plan unfolds, Kerem and Ayşe will find themselves navigating a web of lies, conflict, and undeniable chemistry that could change their lives forever.