MIAM! distribution announces the launch of Season 6 of the beloved animated series "YETI TALES" on France Télévisions on April 12th. This new season has also been picked up by RTS, BEIN (MENA) and TV5 Unis. "YETI TALES" is a puppet TV series for a preschool audience commissioned by France Télévisions and aired by 40+ broadcasters including Tiny Pop (UK), Youku and CCTV (China) or Once Niños (Mexico). The series follows Nina and Leon, two little mice living inside a local bookshop with Yetili, the huge plush mascot of the bookshop. When the shop closes, Yetili comes to life to join his friends and read them a new book.
Books are the real stars of the series and are highlighted as the central theme in "YETI TALES". But, what is important is the dialogue between the reader and the listeners. It’s a dialogue between words and images, adults, and kids. The aim is to create a discussion around a book with recurring characters kids can identify with.
“For this new season, as for previous ones, we’ve organised readings in classrooms”, says Séverine Lebrun, creator of the show and producer at Darjeeling. “We wanted to closely mirror the reactions and emotions of children to transcribe them into Nina and Leon's dialogues. This is why these episodes are so authentic and relatable.”
Consistently ranked among the top 5 animated programs across all French channels since its debut in 2016 and aired for more than 5 years on Tiny Pop, "YETI TALES" now boasts a total of 280 x 8’ episodes, along with a mini-series comprising 40 short episodes of 2’30, as well as 2 special episodes of 26 minutes each. 40 episodes are now accessible with sign language translation on France Télévisions kids channel and platform. YETI TALES’ translation into sign language promotes inclusivity, providing a more enriching and accessible viewing experience for deaf and hard of hearing children.
With the launch of this new season, MIAM! distribution continues its commitment to offering high-quality programs to audiences around the globe. "We are delighted to bring the latest adventures of 'YETI TALES' to our audience," said Mélanie Errea, Head of Sales and Acquisitions at MIAM! distribution. "The series not only sparks a love for reading among children but also demonstrates that reading can be a fun and enjoyable activity shared with the whole family. With its engaging storytelling and relatable characters, the series creates a special rendezvous, bringing families together in the joy of reading books. 'YETI TALES' rights are now available for licensing and distribution, offering broadcasters and streaming platforms the opportunity to offer to their audience a full package.”