25 SEP 2023

ORF's doc "Paganini" won Czech Television Prize at Golden Prague Festival

The film, co-produced by ORF, ARTE and Felix Breisach Medienwerkstatt, delves into the enigmatic world of the renowned composer and violin virtuoso Niccolò Paganini.

Golden Prague Festival


ORF-Enterprise announces that the documentary film "The Dark Secret of Mr. Paganini," has been honored with the Czech Television Prize award at the 60th Edition of the Golden Prague Festival. The film, co-produced by ORF, ARTE and Felix Breisach Medienwerkstatt funded by Austrian Television Fund and VAM, and distributed worldwide by ORF-Enterprise, delves into the enigmatic world of the renowned composer and violin virtuoso Niccolò Paganini, whose performances in the early 19th century left an indelible mark on music history.

The jury's statement: "The film represents an exciting, revelatory, but also hugely entertaining journey in search of what makes the sound of old violins and other string instruments unique – a secret ultimately hidden not so much in their wood but, rather surprisingly, in the material used for their strings, which comes from animals, and the method by which these strings are manufactured. For centuries, this was an anxiously guarded secret; the makers of this film have found a captivating way how to let their audience peek behind the curtain.”

Martin Traxl, Head of Culture TV, ORF: "Herbert Eisenschenk has managed to distil an exciting thriller from a music-historical detail: a story about money and the thirst for recognition and the passionate search for the perfect sound. An example of how universal music documentaries can be. A fine success - at the anniversary edition of the Golden Prague Festival, of all places. Congratulations to the director, producer Felix Breisach and our music editors!"

Producer Felix Breisach: "What a pleasure to win a prize for a cultural documentary at such an important festival as 'Golden Prague'! The recognition for the direction of Herbert Eisenschenk, is at the same time recognition for the great performance of the whole team!"

Oliver Böhm, Managing Director, ORF-Enterprise: “Our mission is to showcase the diversity of filmmaking worldwide. This well-deserved award encourages us in our work and commitment to high quality factual content and I would like to congratulate the involved creatives, broadcasters and funding partners.”

Armin Luttenberger, Head of Department Content Sales International, ORF-Enterprise: "We congratulate the filmmakers and all co-production partners who participated in this thrilling documentary. We are honored to serve as the worldwide distributor and invite viewers all over the world to explore the secrets behind the perfect sound of string instruments."

Marion Camus-Oberdorfer, Director Acquisitions & Distribution Investment, ORF-Enterprise: “Our success as distributor significantly relies on the quality of productions we are able to curate for our rich catalog. I would like to congratulate the awarded creators and co-production partners and express my thanks for the trusting cooperation.”

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