"Look See Wow!"
Particle6, the UK indie founded by Eline van der Velden, confirms that "Look See Wow!", its first ever kids’ TV series, will be aired by commissioning broadcaster Sky Kids from 19th June. The title (26x5) is one of the first kids’ tv shows to be purposely made using ASMR (autonomous sensory meridian response), a technique which creates auditory and visual stimuli to promote feelings of relaxation, calm and well-being. The series has been carefully produced to be enjoyed by a diverse range of pre-school children. Particle6 even worked with a special needs consultant to ensure children with special needs could fully engage and interact with the show’s themes and activities.
Using everything from timelapses to slow motion, from extreme close-ups to epic aerial views and mesmerising Kaleidoscope transitions between scenes, the camera demonstrates a hypnotic sense of scale and produces immersive, daydream-like sequences rich with possibilities. The aim is to inspire young viewers to admire, explore and respect their environment while answering questions.
The series was commissioned by Lisa Mackintosh and Lucy Murphy for Sky Kids. Eline van der Velden of Particle6i s the executive producer, Filip Parulski editor and Chris Pitt producer. Eline van der Velden comments: “'Look See Wow!' perfectly combines Particle6’s scientific passion with our drive to create beautiful television. We are thrilled that Lisa and Lucy at Sky Kids supported our vision for using ASMR as a means of doing this creatively for young audiences and believed in our capabilities to deliver."
“As our business has evolved from digital education shorts to BBC three comedies and now our first major kids TV series, we have always maintained our focus on user testing, knowing it to be as important for getting things right for toddlers as it is for adults. For 'Look See Wow!' we undertook extensive specialist user testing to inform the format, our thinking and the thoughtful editing and it was fascinating to see what kids enjoyed and what they didn’t – and to be led by them. The result is a highly focused and relevant series: one theme per episode and then a clear focus in every frame – one animal, one object and simple music,” she added. “We also had fun with our first foray into AI. Using a light-touch approach to support our creativity, it made us expand our thinking during development and then helped save time and money in edit – which is always helpful for producers.”
Lisa Mackintosh from Sky Kids adds: “This is a truly ground-breaking and beautiful new pre-school series, and we can’t wait for it to premiere on our Sky Kids channel. The sensory experience guides each episode and inspires a sense of awe and wonder at the world around us, crafting lean-in moments, and promoting a calm attentiveness. Using such an inclusive mode of learning is hugely important to us at Sky Kids as it means that every child will be able to make their own individual connection with the series”.