Peacock ordered 13 hour-long episodes of “Frogger,” a physical competition series based on the iconic 1980’s video game. A worldwide phenomenon since its introduction by Konami in 1981, “Frogger” has remained one of the most classic and beloved video game franchises of all time with a library spanning more than 30 titles across various platforms.
The “Frogger” show brings to life this popular franchise and supersizes it on an epic course. Audiences and contestants alike will be transported into a wild, whimsical “Frogger” world, filled with all the simple but challenging elements of the mega-hit from Konami.
A fierce and ridiculously fun competition, “Frogger” will feature twelve outrageous obstacle courses or “crossings”. These physically demanding challenges will see contestants dodge treacherous traffic, leap over snapping gators and hop over hungry hippos to conquer the course. Contestants from across the country will test their talent in a competition requiring skill, strength, strategy and problem-solving smarts. Who will have what it takes to be America’s finest “Frogger” and jump away with a massive cash prize?
“Frogger” is produced by Eureka Productions in partnership with Konami Cross Media NY, Inc. Chris Culvenor and Paul Franklin will executive produce for Eureka Productions. The “Frogger” competition show is an original format created by Chris Culvenor of Eureka Productions.