17 OCT 2022

TIMS&B: "Audiences look for stories where they can identify themselves"

Timur Savcı and Burak Sağyaşar, from TIMS&B Productions, describe the global potential of the new drama "Deception" and highlight the power of its partnership with Inter Medya.

17 OCT 2022

Burak Sağyaşar & Timur Savcı

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At Mipcom, Inter Medya is launching TIMS&B Productions' latest drama, "Deception," to the international arena. Timur Savcı and Burak Sağyaşar detailed the distinctive features of the show, which is already gathering great feedback in Turkey.

What are the new shows that you are launching at Mipcom?
TS: "We are introducing our new series, 'Deception' ('Aldatmak'), and launching it to the world at Mipcom. It premiered in Turkey on September 22nd and already has become one of the most popular series of the new steady."

How would you define the distinctive features of this show?
BS: "This is the story of a powerful woman with a twist. A decisionmaker, an idealist woman who thinks she can and has fitted everything into her own mold in her life, the way it should be, finds out that is far from reality which causes the bottom to fall out of her world. Everything comes crashing down on her with one move. It deals with deception on multiple layers, not just as infidelity between spouses but between children and their parents, friends, lovers, and colleagues alike."

What are the new trends in terms of production for Turkish drama?
BS: "After procedurals and psychological or social dramas, it feels like we are back to basics. Complex plots centering around themes like family and love seem to take over mostly."

What new kinds of stories and characters are audiences looking for in Turkey and internationally?
BS: "Generally, audiences look for stories where they can identify themselves or their dreams are featured. So, the characters in those stories must be people they can identify with, either as they are or strive to be. The story's sincerity and the characters' genuineness are essential."

How would you define the value of your partnership with Inter Medya?
BS: "We have had a gratifying collaboration with Inter Medya, especially with the wide and far distribution of our successful drama 'Bitter Lands.' We enjoy meticulously crafting the strategy of each of our titles together according to its content and the target audiences it caters to."

What would you like to express to the company on its 30th anniversary?
TS: "We'd like to congratulate the 30th anniversary of Inter Medya, which we believe has played an essential role in the globalization of the Turkish series and film industry. As a significant part of our presence in world markets, we also wish them many more successful years to come."

By Diego Alfagemez