Produced by Picolo Pictures, the feature film project will be presented at MIFA PITCH for feature films, which will take place on Wednesday 14 June between 9 and 10:30 am in Annecy.
Produced by MAPPA, the series was streamed internationally by Crunchyroll from October to December 2022 with acclaim from both critics and public alike.
Hernán López, former CEO of Fox International Channels, was convicted on Thursday of paying tens of millions of dollars in bribes to nab broadcasting rights to the World Cup and other top soccer matches.
FIFA’s Annual Report 2022 highlights its record breaking revenue of US$7.6 billion during the 2019-2022 cycle and the US$11 billion that is expected to be earned during the 2023-2026 period.
Banijay Iberia and the football league LaLiga will join forces to launch LaLiga Studios, a new sports-related content production company led by Chalo Bonifacino Cooke.