The iconic animated kids comedy series "Zip Zip", and the global preschool hit "Simon", started airing on CCTV-14, also known as CCTV-Kids, second week of March 2022.
Hosted by Chef Pino Di Cerbo, the TV series will premiere on Bell Media’s CTV Life Channel in April and on Gusto TV’s 33 distribution platforms over the world.
The addition, set to reach 99% of U.S. homes, will include locally produced, award-winning shows such as “Masterpiece,” "Antiques Roadshow,” “Frontline,” and “PBS Newshour,” among many others.
The overall trend is that television content consumption is moving from linear TV to streaming/CTV platforms, AudienceProject assured in its latest study.
Cineflix Rights has closed a deal with Hulu for “Rebecca,” the fast-paced, eight-part crime drama set in Paris and produced by Elephant for TF1. The deal follows recent sales of the series to Directv Latin America and Sky Brasil.