"The Black Diamond Race" is an animated series of nine episodes, each 45 minutes long, co-produced by Rai Kids, RTVE, Broadvision Perspective, and Motion Pictures. The creators discuss this daring new project.
The Argentinian movie has been sold to Sony Pictures Classic for North America, Curzon for the UK, Warmer Media for Easter Europe and A Contracorriente films for Spain.
"Château DIY" Australia will premiere in access prime on channel Nine in 2025, with the series being distributed internationally by Cineflix Rights. The company is the exclusive worldwide distribution partner for the "Château DIY" franchise.
The Diversify TV Awards are organized by MIPCOM CANNES in collaboration with Founding Partner Diversify TV and in association with Founding Presenting Partner A+E Media Group. Nine awards were presented following submissions from 29 countries and with nominees hailing from 11 countries.