The animated feature has been awarded the Best Animation Film Award. This award marks a significant milestone for Winsing, further solidifying the film's global reach.
The Irish company has acquired titles from other distributors to sell them to airline companies and has improved its catalog with more titles that reach a wide age target group. Ben Murphy, sales executive at the company, analyzes these crucial steps for the company.
The company's library features an impressive lineup of titles that highlight spiritual narratives, historical figures, and inspiring stories and resonates with global audiences.
The Asian giant tallied 1,726,049,533 video views on Facebook, 1,808,256,775 on TikTok, and 815,085,705 on YouTube for a total of 4,349,392,013 video views.
A study by Parrot Analytics showed that both networks have a strong audience demand, reinforcing their crucial role in Comcast's entertainment strategy.