The 40-hour series, sold by Beta to more than 140 territories, has garnered success all over the world with more than 55 million digital views on Germany’s ARD mediathek alone.
The new linear channel's name is Moonbug, in line with its wider corporate rebrand and it aims to convey the same energy and fun as its colourful shows and characters. On the other hand, "Little Baby Bum: Time to Dream" and "Lellobee City Farm: Grandma Mei's Fantastic Folktales" are the new podcasts.
While the traditional TV audience is mostly made up of Gen Xers and baby boomers, pay TV still regularly reaches younger consumers, albeit to a lesser degree, according to a new report from Morning Consult.
Aimed at children from preschool to age 7, the show was inspired by the personal experience of China Bridge Content founder and his wife raising their own baby daughter.