Rodolphe Belmer, President of Series Mania, and Laurence Herszberg, Founder and General Director of Series Mania, unveiled details for the upcoming Series Mania Festival and Series Mania Forum, scheduled for the end of March.
The series will be set in modern-day St Petersburg and will follow both the traditional protagonist of the Fyodor Dostoevsky’s classic novel, Rodion Raskolnikov and his lesser-known sister Dunya Raskolnikov.
VIS Social Impact, la división de ViacomCBS International Studios enfocada en el impacto social; El Deseo, la productora de Pedro Almodóvar; y Mogambo anunciaron la coproducción de la nueva serie documental “Not a Bride”.
This eight-episode project is a Russian adaptation of the cult Israeli TV series “Kvodo,” created by Shlomo Mashiach and Ron Ninio, produced by Yes TV and Koda Communications, and distributed by yes Studios.