The new scripted crime thriller produced by KOTV and Endemol Shine North America is adapted for television from the award-winning novel, "Boundary," by acclaimed author Andrée A. Michaud. Louis Choquette.
The deal, following the World Premiere of "I Know Your Soul" at this year's Venice Film Festival, also includes Beta's Serbian thriller, "Children of Evil," based on the best-selling novel by Miodrag Majić.
A special screening of Inter Medya is scheduled for 15 November 2023, at 12:00 PM in Cancun Theatre. The top titles that Inter Medya brings to Cancun are "Leylifer," "Deception," "Tuzak," "Hicran," "Another Chance," and "Melissa," among others.
The company led by Ezequiel Olzanski has closed a new deal with A&E Ole Networks for seven movies, all from Nicely Entertainment catalog, the company led by Vanessa Shapiro.
Global viewing hours across Paramount+ and Pluto TV grew 46%, with DTC-adjusted OIBDA improved by 31%. The company now forecasts DTC losses peaked in 2022.