The new, original animated preschool series, created and written by Fracaswell Hyman and Maria Perez-Brown, as well as Janice Burgess, serves as the first development collaboration between the two animation companies.
Production for the new Jimmy Fallon and NBC’s all-star music competition series adaptation, set to be produced by TF1 Productions in collaboration with the format's original creator, Universal Television Alternative Studio, is scheduled to begin next year.
The new reality series, “Ex On The Beach”: De Férias Com o Ex: Caribbean," produced by ViacomCBS International Studios (VIS) in collaboration with FoxTeleColombia and Floresta Produções, is set to debut next year on the streaming service.
The 2018 collaboration for Cyril Dion's new film, "Animal," taking in Bright Bright Bright as an Executive Producer, has attracted 30,000 admissions since its presentation at the Cannes Film Festival 2021