For its launch the show has already boosted viewership numbers and speciafically captured the attention of younger viewers, with 39% share and has had outperformed the slot’s average on commercial target with 27.8% market share making it leader on the slot.
New role and expanded remit created to spearhead. Blue Ant Studios’ ambitions in the international marketplace. Blue Ant Studios’ existing development and marketing teams will now report to Diane. She will continue to operate from the Blue Ant Studios’ London, UK office, reporting to Co-Presidents, Matthew Hornburg and Mark Bishop.
MIA | Mercato Internazionale Audiovisivo, promoted by ANICA and APA, has positioned itself as a must-attend event for major Italian players and international producers and distributors eager to do business with Italy.
They join the Trust’s existing patrons, Sir David Attenborough, Nick Broomfield, Christopher Hird, Kim Longinotto, Charlotte Moore, Norma Percy and Sir Grayson Perry.
In this newly created role, Rak will assume leadership of Channel 4 Sales, the commercial arm of Channel 4, with responsibility for driving the organisation’s advertising revenue.