The fiction series "The Argonauts", "The Hunt. Guadiana", the third season of "HIT", and the documentary series "Javier Fernández. Breaking the Ice" are among company's award-winning productions.
FIFA’s Annual Report 2022 highlights its record breaking revenue of US$7.6 billion during the 2019-2022 cycle and the US$11 billion that is expected to be earned during the 2023-2026 period.
The CEO of Mediatoon Distribution and Solène Crepin, Sales and Business Affairs, talk about “The Fox-Badger Family,” one of the highlights of Mediatoon’s catalogue.
BBC iPlayer has seen its best year ever, breaking 7 billion streams for the first time ever. The World Cup was key to this success, as it was streamed 92 million times on iPlayer, while also reaching 38.8 million on BBC TV.