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Nicolas Eglau: "We want to have more touchpoints with our brands" 15 NOV 2023


Nicolas Eglau: "We want to have more touchpoints with our brands"

Global distribution on linear and non-linear players, show spin-offs and original series, consumer products and live events are important pillars of the Moonbug strategy. Nicolas Eglau, Managing Director of EMEA and APAC and Hannah Howell, Sales Support Manager, Distribution and Partnerships at the company detail these four points.
Antena 3 starts shooting “Sueños de Libertad” 14 NOV 2023


Antena 3 starts shooting “Sueños de Libertad”

The Spanish network Antena 3 announced the start of filming in Toledo and Madrid of its new fiction bet, “Sueños de Libertad,” which is also going to be available on the streaming platform atresplayer.
Imagen Los ingresos AVOD globales alcanzarán los $56 billones en 2024 13 NOV 2023


84% of Advertisers Will Increase FAST Investments in 2024

Xumo and Comcast Advertising released a joint report, titled "The 2023 State of FAST," showing the growing usage of FAST among advertisers and consumers, and the role it is playing in multiscreen TV advertising plans.
Starz restructures senior executive team after Kathryn Tyus-Adair departure 13 NOV 2023


Starz restructures senior executive team after Kathryn Tyus-Adair departure

As part of the company's ongoing staff reductions, it confirmed plans to restructure its original programming operation under Kathryn Busby, Starz’s President of Original Programming.
Winsing Animation makes grand debut at DICM 2023 with fresh series 13 NOV 2023

Trade Shows

Winsing Animation makes grand debut at DICM 2023 with fresh series

The new lineup includes "Mega Meow", "Shadows of the void", "Mongo" and "Racing-Velocity City."