It was announced by Namit Sharma, CEO Arré Studio and Amreet Chahal, Content Sales Director for A+E Media Group, Asia-Pacific. "Alone" first premiered on A+E’s The History Channel US in 2015, and has now run for eleven hit seasons with a twelfth season in production.
This is the latest work from the multi-award-winning director Fatih Akin, starring Jasper Billerbeck, Laura Tonke, and Diane Kruger. The shooting started this week.
It´s a true crime series produced by crime series award-winning UK indie FirstLookTV. AMR will be the distribution partner for the programme while broadcaster A&E’s Crime and Investigation Channel, has retained rights in UK and Ireland, Greece, CEE, Benelux and Middle East. AMR will now service the rest of world.
A working title, the project produced by Angel Eye Media was put together by Executive producers, Richard Osborne and Ollie Durrant, Series producer, Ben Samra and Series Director, Garfield Carrott.
Abacus Media Rights (AMR), an Amcomri Entertainment Company, announced multiple sales of non-fiction programming and drama series to Benelux ahead of the next edition of Mipcom Cannes.