The new animated film adaptation will focus on author Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s life from 1940 to 1944, using a unique hybrid animation style that combines 2D watercolor and 3D oil painting aesthetics.
The titles featured in the deal wih the US OTT outlet include “Huevo Kids,” “Las Aventuras del Tío Conejo,” “A Vista De Pájaro,” “Maria Perez Vs. Los Superheroes,” “Kozaky Football,” “Kozaky Around the World,” and “Mace-man.”
A further 26 brand new episodes of the charming pre-school series are currently in production and are directed by Bernardita Ojeda from Chilean production studio Pájaro.
Melissa Vega, Head of Barcelona Office at the French distributor explains this new acquisition together with Bernardita Ojeda, Director of the Chilean production company Pájaro, responsible for the animated title.