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Conecta Fiction & Entertainment 2024: 1.000 professionals from 33 countries 21 JUN 2024

Trade Shows

Conecta Fiction & Entertainment 2024: 1.000 professionals from 33 countries

The event promoted co-production and agreements between the Americas and Europe. Brazil and Portugal stood out in the eighth edition of the event, with the largest presence of producers from both countries seen in Europe in years. 70% of the attendees were European and 30% were Latin American.
Conecta Fitction & Entertainment 2024: se reunieron 1000 profesionales de 33 países 21 JUN 2024

Trade Shows

Conecta Fitction & Entertainment 2024: se reunieron 1000 profesionales de 33 países

El evento impulsó la coproducción y los acuerdos entre América y Europa. Brasil y Portugal destacaron en la octava edición del evento, con la mayor presencia de productores de ambos países vista en Europa desde hace años. El 70% de los asistentes fueron europeos y el 30%, latinoamericanos.