Latest news of milli-vanilli

Leonine Studios reveals a first look on its biopic “Girl you know it’s true” 2 SEP 2022


Leonine Studios reveals a first look on its biopic “Girl you know it’s true”

Leonine Studios revealed a first look on its international biopic “Girl you know it’s true,” produced by Wiedemann & Berg Film, about the notorious scandal involving R&B duo Milli Vanilli.
Leonine Studios reveló un primer vistazo de su biopic “Girl you know it’s true” 2 SEP 2022


Leonine Studios reveló un primer vistazo de su biopic “Girl you know it’s true”

Leonine Studios reveló un primer vistazo de su película biográfica internacional "Girl you know it's true", producida por Leonine Studios y Wiedemann & Berg Film, acerca del escándalo que involucró al dúo de R&B Milli Vanilli.