The Executive Committee of the International Academy has decided to ban all programs from Russia from this year’s International Emmy Awards competition in support of Ukraine. This follows the previously announced action of suspending memberships, as well as all formal affiliations with Russia-based companies.
Therefore, the International Academy announced that any program that meets the following criteria is ineligible and, if already submitted, will be withdrawn: all programs produced by and/or co-produced with Russia-based companies, and all programs originally made for a Russian-owned channel, network, or streaming platform.
Earlier this month, the International Academy had communicated its decision to expel Mikhail Solodovnikov from its board of directors. Solodovnikov is the General Manager and Chief Creative Director de T&R Productions, the Russia-owned media company that operates RT America. Elizaveta Brodskaya, Head of News at the Moscow-based RT International, RT Russia, also had its general membership suspended.
Previously, the Academy had announced the suspension of memberships of all Russian individuals, as well as all formal affiliations with Russia-based companies. “Our thoughts are with the people of Ukraine and everyone directly affected by the independent nation’s invasion by Russia. We pray for a quick end to this tragic conflict,” that statement said.