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Shooting in Spain boosts its strategy to attract international filming and investment 27 SEP 2024

Trade Shows

Shooting in Spain boosts its strategy to attract international filming and investment

Shooting in Spain will hold panels, information sessions, networking meetings and the promotion of the Spain Audiovisual Bureau as an information resource and one-stop shop for international producers and investors.
Shooting in Spain refuerza su estrategia para atraer rodajes e inversiones 26 SEP 2024

Trade Shows

Shooting in Spain refuerza su estrategia para atraer rodajes e inversiones

Bajo la marca Shooting in Spain se llevarán a cabo paneles, sesiones informativas, encuentros de networking y la promoción del Spain Audiovisual Bureau como recurso informativo y punto centralizado de contacto.
Conecta Fiction & Entertainment 2024: Shooting in Spain presentará el Spain Audiovisual Bureau 13 JUN 2024


Conecta Fiction & Entertainment 2024: Shooting in Spain presentará el Spain Audiovisual Bureau

La marca organizará un desayuno de trabajo entre productores extranjeros interesados en rodar en España y empresas de service locales especializadas en asistir a producciones internacionales, además de presentar un panel sobre los incentivos fiscales españoles y participar en Conecta Think Tank.
Conecta Fiction & Entertainment 2024: Shooting in Spain to present the Spain Audiovisual Bureau 13 JUN 2024


Conecta Fiction & Entertainment 2024: Shooting in Spain to present the Spain Audiovisual Bureau

During the event, the brand will organize a matchmaking breakfast between foreign producers interested in filming in Spain and local service production companies specializing in assisting international productions, as well as presenting a panel on Spanish tax incentives and participates in Conecta Think Tank.