Últimas noticias sobre kedd-animation-studio

DeAplaneta and Kedd Animation Studio closed deal for "Mitch-Match" 22 JUL 2024

Kids & Animation

DeAplaneta and Kedd Animation Studio closed deal for "Mitch-Match"

It is the prestigious Hungarian animation studio founded by Oscar-nominated director Géza M. Tóth. The agreement consists of managing the worldwide audiovisual rights (except Hungary) for the series.
DeAplaneta y Kedd Animation Studio cierran acuerdo por la serie animada "Mitch-Match" 22 JUL 2024


DeAplaneta y Kedd Animation Studio cierran acuerdo por la serie animada "Mitch-Match"

Se trata del prestigioso estudio de animación húngaro fundado por el director nominado a un Oscar Géza M. Tóth. El acuerdo consiste en gestionar los derechos audiovisuales a nivel mundial (excepto Hungría) de la serie.