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Deprecated: strlen(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in /home/senalnews/public_html/objetos/clsListadoNotas.php on line 746 Noticias de the-sandbox en Señal News
International hit series “Magnificent Century” has partnered with The Sandbox, a popular metaverse platform, with a global launch event held in Paris on July 12.
For his 80th anniversary, the hero of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's masterpiece enters into an immersive experience thanks to a partnership between the two companies.
The launch, offering interactions with viewers' favorite brands, such as Top Gear and Doctor Who, as well as access to a BBC Events Space, marks the BBC Studios' first-ever entrance to the Metaverse.
El mayor ídolo de la historia del fútbol argentino llega al metaverso en un game de Herbit Crab Game Studio. Esta land contiene actividades como juegos, desafíos y curiosidades en torno al astro.
After making its way through 24 territories, the title is set to air its 21st season in the US starring multi-Michelin Star chef Gordon Ramsay on FOX starting on 29 September.