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La industria publicitaria global proyecta crecimiento del 10,5% en 2024 26 AGO 2024


La industria publicitaria global proyecta crecimiento del 10,5% en 2024

El dato surge de un reporte de Warc que también sostiene que en América Latina, específicamente, se espera un crecimiento de la inversión del 6,2%, totalizando USD 32.100 millones en 2024.
Global advertising spend to top $1 trillion for first time in 2024/25 23 AGO 2024

Ad Sales

Global advertising spend to top $1 trillion for first time in 2024/25

A new study from WARC, experts in marketing effectiveness, has found that global advertising spending is on course to grow 10.5% this year to $1.07trn—the best performance in six years if the post-COVID recovery of 2021 (+27.9% year-on-year) is disregarded.
UK advertising spend reached £9.2bn in Q1 2024 29 JUL 2024


UK advertising spend reached £9.2bn in Q1 2024

Advertising Association/WARC Expenditure report forecasted a £9.7bn spend for Q2 following Men’s Euros and snap General Election, with FY 2024 forecast up 7.7% to £39.4bn.
UK: the advertising market reported a 6.1% expansion in 2023 29 ABR 2024


UK: the advertising market reported a 6.1% expansion in 2023

The total investment sum for that year reached £36.6 billion. New forecasts show ad market’s value is set to reach £38.8bn this year and top £40bn by 2025.
UK advertising spend forecast to rise to £35 billion this year 31 OCT 2022


UK advertising spend forecast to rise to £35 billion this year

The value of the UK’s advertising market will grow by 9.2% in 2022, to a total of £34.9 billion, the latest Advertising Association/WARC Expenditure report has forecasted.