Amagi has been selected by acTVe as its playout, distribution, and monetization partner for five of its premium syndicated sports channels."These channels represent the pinnacle offerings in their genre, and we chose Amagi as our playout partner because they provide the superior technology required to deliver broadcast-level quality," said Geoff Clark, CEO of acTVe. "Amagi's solutions give us the flexibility to compete with major broadcasters with live sports capabilities on our channels, further enriching the viewer experience."
Actve has deployed Amagi's suite of solutions to create and distribute its FAST channels 24/7 across a wide range of CTV platforms. All five channels go live in November. Earlier this month, the company announced a partnership with The Arena Group (AREN) to launch five new premium channels. Each one is tied to one of the media company's iconic action sports brands: Powder Magazine, Surfer Magazine, Transworld Skateboarding, Bike Mag, and Snowboarder.
To provide a seamless viewing experience for these channels, acTVe has deployed the Amagi Cloudport broadcast-grade channel playout platform, the Amagi Thunderstorm dynamic server-side ad insertion (SSAI) solution, and the Amagi Analytics comprehensive viewership and ad analytics platform. The channels will launch globally and will be accessible on free-to-watch streaming platforms such as SportsTribal, FreeMovies+, and Freecast, along with CTV apps on platforms like Roku, Vizio, Samsung, and more — with additional platforms slated for inclusion throughout 2024.
Amagi provides a complete suite of solutions for channel creation, distribution, and monetization. Amagi's global clients include ABS-CBN, AccuWeather, A+E Networks UK, beIN Sports, Cinedigm, Cox Media Group, Crackle Plus, Fremantle, Gannett, Gusto TV, NBCUniversal, PAC-12, Tastemade, and The Roku Channel, among others. "We're proud to join forces with acTVe, a partner who not only values premium quality but also understands the intricacies of OTT distribution and monetization strategies," said Srinivasan KA, Co-founder and Chief Revenue Officer at Amagi. "Their dedication to helping customers create and execute these strategies perfectly aligns with our mission to empower broadcasters and content owners with the tools they need to thrive in today's dynamic media landscape. We look forward to helping them deliver exceptional content and expand the reach of iconic brands to captivate audiences worldwide."