Mexican animation studio Ánima announced that its animated feature film “Cranston Academy: Monster Zone” (85 mins.) will be released in Australia and New Zealand on April 7. This family adventure film was produced by Fernando De Fuentes Sainz, CEO; and José Garcia de Letona, COO at Ánima, and both founding partners.
Previously, the film has been sold to Mexico, Germany, Austria, Portugal, Italy, CIS & Baltics, Vietnam, Middle East, UK, and South Africa for theatrical release by Double Dutch International, a globally recognized sales and production company. “Cranston Academy: Monster Zone” stars the voices of Jamie Bell and Ruby Rose.
“The timing of this announcement could not be better as ‘Cranston Academy: Monster Zone’ was just recently nominated for a Quirino Awards as one of the Best Ibero-American Animation Feature Films. I am confident this animated adventure will be loved in Australia and New Zealand, as it has around the world,” Garcia de Letona commented.
“Cranston Academy: Monster Zone” is the story of Danny, a 15-year-old genius bullied for his intelligence and struggling to fit in at school, and Liz, the daughter of a famous scientist whose legacy she strives to overcome and be considered a genius in her own right. When Danny is unexpectedly offered a scholarship to Cranston Academy, a secret, prestigious boarding school where Liz is the number one student, a rivalry sparks. In his quest to prove his intelligence, Danny inadvertently opens a portal to another dimension and unleashes a slew of monsters on the school. Liz must put their rivalry aside and help Danny together with a half-moth, half-man professor aptly nicknamed Mothman, to overcome the creatures of the fifth dimension and save the school.